Tiffany Studios, Christ with the Children, 1913
This window depicts the Scriptural justification for the baptism of infants. The window is suitably placed adjacent to the Burd Baptismal Font.

Tiffany Studios, Christ and Nicodemus, 1911
This window weaves together symbolism and biblical storytelling seamlessly to create this unique window.

Detail of Tiffany Studios, Christ and Nicodemus, 1911

Tiffany Studios, Detail of Life of St. Stephen altar screen (left panel), c. 1917
Top to bottom: Stephen’s ordination as deacon; Stephen preaching; Solomon building the Temple; Moses with the Law

Tiffany Studios, Detail of Life of St. Stephen altar screen (center panel), c. 1917
Top to bottom: heavenly city(?); stoning of Stephen flanked by lights representing the mob; St. Paul with his sword.

Tiffany Studios, Detail of Life of St. Stephen altar screen (right panel), c. 1917
Top to bottom: Destruction of the Temple; brotherly love and company of priests; Stephen before the Sanhedrin (city council)

Tiffany Studios, Baird Ornamental Rose Window, 1914
This unique ornamental window sits above the Furness Burial Cloister

Tiffany Studios, Gamaliel Window, 1914
This colorful window depicts Gamaliel, respected law teacher, arguing against the execution of the apostles. The window commemorates William S. Price, prominent Philadelphia lawyer.

Tiffany Studios, "Welcoming Christ," 1898
The first Tiffany window at St. Stephen’s was given in memory of Albert E. Pancoast—a prominent merchant and civic leader—by his wife and daughters.

St. Paul and St. Stephen, c. 1880
Given in memory of Robert Eglesfeld Griffith and his wife Maria Thong Griffith by their daughter.

Abraham and the Three Strangers, 1879-1880
Given in memory of James Magee by his son Horace Magee.

Rebekah at the Well with Eliezer, 1879-1880
Given in memory of Carrie L. Magee by her brother Horace Magee.

D'Ascenzio Studios, Dorcas Window, after 1923
Depicts the widow Dorcas giving clothing to a needy widow.
Given in memory of Anna J. Magee by the congregation

Armstrong Maitland, Faithful Witness, c. 1903
Given in memory of Henrietta C. Wilkins by her niece M. S. Wilkins

Alfred Godwin, Women at the Tomb, 1903
Given in memory of Eliza Graham McDowell by her husband, John Austin McDowell.

D'Ascenzo Studios, Ascension of Christ, 1918
Given in memory of John Austin McDowell.