Today belongs to the dead!

Tomb of the original sexton and gravedigger, James Cragg

Tomb of the original sexton and gravedigger, James Cragg

Today, November 2, we honor the dead on their day: All Souls’ Day for some, Jour des Morts for others, and Dia de los Muertos for yet others. We at St. Stephen’s are very attached to our community across the mortal threshold. Two years ago, we began to live with them closely and mindfully as we gradually found and learned about them: in or below the floor of added buildings that covered the original cemetery; in the walls. We travel the shared path as a community, with these families and individuals with often very different experiences and beliefs.

In focusing on these departed within our walls we honor those well beyond!

—Suzanne Glover Lindsay, St. Stephen’s historian and curator

Suzanne Glover Lindsay