Abraham and the Three Strangers, 1879-1880
Given in memory of James Magee by his son Horace Magee.
Designed by Henry Holiday for James Powell & Sons.
This lower window represents the couple’s final test: God appears as three strangers before the ancient Abraham, who kneels in respectful welcome and lavishes them with hospitality. The couple’s reward for their generosity: a son, Isaac, born soon after.

Rebekah at the Well with Eliezer, 1879-1880
Given in memory of Carrie L. Magee by her brother Horace Magee.
Designed by Henry Holiday for James Powell & Sons.
The top window presents the sequel: the test of a possible bride for the grown Isaac. When asked by a stranger (Abraham’s servant Eliezer) for water drawn from the nearby well, the beautiful, virtuous Rebekah not only warmly complies but offers water to his camels. Eliezer believes her response was God’s sign for his choice of Isaac’s wife; the generous Rebekah thus becomes mother to the next generation.

Detail of Abraham and the Three Strangers

Magee Windows

Left panel
Life of St. Stephen altar screen - left panel

Center panel
Life of St. Stephen altar screen - center panel

Right panel
Life of St. Stephen altar screen - right panel

Tiffany Studios, Welcoming Christ

Christ and Nicodemus

Detail of Christ and Nicodemus